18 finalists chosen for Ms Universe Ja



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By Kevin Jackson - Observer writer Tuesday, July 04, 2017

EIGHTEEN finalists have been selected to compete in the 2017 Miss Universe Jamaica Beauty and Wellness pageant. They were chosen from an elimination exercise held on Sunday at the Triple Century Sports Bar in New Kingston.

Thirty-eight young ladies attended the elimination. Among them were the three regional queens, Jodiann Harper (Miss Universe Jamaica North East), Addaire Esmie (Miss Universe Jamaica East), and Andrea Myers (Miss Universe Jamaica North West), who are automatic finalists.
Mark McDermoth, director of Uzuri International, franchise holders of the Miss Universe Jamaica pageant, confided that the selection process was difficult.

“It was really a difficult process to eliminate 38 girls down to 18. Initially we said we wanted to have 16 girls, but due to the high quality of the girls and the good range of beauties, we chose 18,” McDermoth told Jamaica Observer.

This is the fifth staging of the pageant under the leadership of the Uzuri International team.
“We are very excited about this group of girls. We are not focusing on the prizes, but we are mostly focusing on the complete, overall experience — the trip to Miss Universe, seeking a representative to live her dreams. Contestants should use this platform to help lives, enhance lives, and to put her best foot forward to be an ambassador for Jamaica,” said McDermoth.

The girls will be unveiled to the public for the first time in a sashing exercise over the next few weeks, while the grand coronation will take place on August 26 at the Pegasus hotel in Kingston.


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