Deluxe is Miss World Fiji's official footwear provider


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LITIA CAVA Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Deluxe Footwear Fashions Ltd managing director Dharmendra Parmar hands over a pair of stilettos to 2017 Miss World Fiji, Nanise Rainima. Picture: JONA KONATACI+ Enlarge this image

Deluxe Footwear Fashions Ltd managing director Dharmendra Parmar hands over a pair of stilettos to 2017 Miss World Fiji, Nanise Rainima. Picture: JONA KONATACI

Update: 3:41PM ONE of the most recognised names in the country when it comes to footwear is this year's Miss World Fiji's official footwear provider to the Miss World pageant.

Deluxe Footwear Fashions Ltd managing director Dharmendra Parmar yesterday handed over five pairs of footwear stilettos to reigning Miss World Fiji, Nanise Rainima at their main branch in Suva.

Ms Rainima will be wearing one pair on the crowning night, another pair for her talent, one for her interview and the other two pairs for everyday wear while in China.

"Deluxe Footwear and Piccadilly Brazil is very proud to sponsor them the best shoes which are sold in Fiji and which is under the label of Piccadilly," Mr Parmar said.

"Deluxe Footwear is very proud to be the sole agent for the brand Piccadilly and we also very proud to sponsor our Miss Fiji and we wish her all the best."

The Miss World pageant will be held on October 20 at Quanzhou, China with the finale to be held on November 18 at Sanya, China.


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