Hot Samantha Misovic crowned Star Hellas in the 2022


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Author: Thema Newsroom | Published: November 22, 2022

She will represent Greece in the Miss World pageant

Samantha Misovic was the winner of the 2022 Hellenic Beauty Pageant taking the crown of Star Hellas. The event was successfully held on Sunday, November 20, in a well-known nightclub in Athens, hosted by Panos Zina and presented by Stamatina Tsimtsili.

The jury consisted of Lakis Gavalas, Ioanna Souliotis, Katerina Stikoudis, Sasha Stamatis, Giorgos Mestoussis, Galena Velikova, and Star Hellas 2021 Anna Pavlidou.

The 12 candidates claimed the coveted beauty titles, aiming to participate in the Miss World and Miss International contests.

Samantha Misovic competed with the number 10. It is worth noting that the 19-year-old Cretan, originally from Serbia, participated in the second cycle of “Big Brother” that aired last season on SKAI TV. In addition to this year’s Star Hellas title, she has won titles in Cretan and Peloponnesian beauty pageants.

Samantha Misovic’s first statements after winning her title were as follows: “I didn’t expect it, my dreams are to work in modeling inside and outside of Greece and I hope I succeed.”

Ioanna Skoulas, who is 17 years old and still going to school, was declared Miss Young, while Zoe Asoumanaki was crowned Miss Hellas.

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