Michelle Dee plans to donate a portion of her winnings to patients with autism



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By Cara Emmeline Garcia

September 16, 2019

“Beauty with a purpose.”

That's the tagline of the Miss World pageant and it seems the newly crowned Miss World Philippines 2019 Michelle Dee is planning to put those words into action -- stat.

During an interview with the press, Michelle shares that she is eyeing to donate a portion of her winnings to patients with autism.

Michelle explains, “Well, part of my platform is to spread consciousness for autism awareness.

“Last year, the mental health bill has been passed and so I'm currently focusing on my advocacy on autism.

“So, I plan to donate some of my winnings to facilities because I want to give them the proper care that they deserve and I do plan to visit the facilities here in the Philippines.”

The former Love You Two actress has been vocal with the mental issue ever since she started her Miss World journey.

In past press interviews, Michelle had openly discussed growing up with two autistic siblings and that seeing what they went through has been an eye-opener for her.

“I know the lack of facilities that aren't here in the Philippines and other than that, I have family members that were diagnosed with different mental illnesses.

“That's also the reason why I took AB Psychology,” she said.

Similarly, Michelle also went on a medical mission in Sagada last March to provide help for children with developmental disabilities.

In the caption, she wrote, “It's been an amazing experience with these kids.

“5 years ago, some of them couldn't even converse and now you have them keeping up a conversation and even performing for you.

“So much progress can still be made, but I'm glad we're on the right track. @centerforpossibilities #fromdisabledtoenabled.”

Michelle is set to represent the Philippines at the international stage come December 14 at the ExCel in London, United Kingdom.



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