Miss Grand International contestants excited about Ao Dai



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Last update 16:30 | 08/10/2017 0

Miss Grand International beauties were excited when trying on Vietnamese traditional long dress Ao Dai designed by Ngo Nhat Huy.

Miss Grand International contestants excited about Ao Dai, entertainment events, entertainment news, entertainment activities, what’s on, Vietnam culture, Vietnam tradition, vn news, Vietnam beauty, news Vietnam, Vietnam news, Vietnam net news, vietnamnet

Ten beauty contestants from around the world visited Huy’s shop on October 6 to try on traditional Vietnamese Ao Dai dresses.

Some of the contestants have expressed a desire to wear the traditional Ao Dai if they are among the top ten contestants in the beauty pageant.


Kassandra Joy Lovisa Kashian from Australia posing in a traditional Ao Dai with a lovely lotus flower pattern.

Ecuadorian Analia Viviana Vernaza Daulon shown here modeling a white Ao Dai with tree branches along the bottom.

Brenda Azaria Jimenez from Puerto Rico poses with Huy, the designer, in an Ao Dai adorned with flowers along the bottom and sleeve.

Diana Sofia Santos from Spain in a lacy sleeved, light pink Ao Dai.

Nadia Yasmin Suliman from Wales strikes a pose complete with a traditional Vietnamese hat.


Beauties from 80 countries and territories worldwide will take part in the Miss Grand International competition held in Vietnam on October 5-25. They will compete at a national costume contest on October 12 in Quang Binh province, a swimsuit contest on October 17 on Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang Province. The final night will take place on October 25.



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