Miss World England 2019 crowned



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Bhasha Mukherjee to represent England at 69th Miss World Final in London

On Thursday 1 August reigning Miss World, Vanessa Ponce de León was the guest of honour at the Miss England 2019 Final held at the Newbridge hotel in Newcastle.

Bhasha at the final in Newcastle

Bhasha Mukherjee, was crowned by Vanessa and her predecessor Miss World England 2018 Alisha Cowie.

Aged 23, from Derby, Bhasha speaks five languages, has two medical degrees, a genius IQ of 146 and just hours after lifting the crown started her first shift as a junior doctor.

Bhasha started competing in pageants while at medical school

Bhasha said: "Some people might think pageant girls are airheads, but we all stand for a cause.

”We're all trying to showcase to the world that actually just because we're pretty, it doesn't end there - we're actually trying to use our reach and influence to do something good.

”It’s been really nerve-wracking, I couldn't tell if I was more nervous about the competition or about starting my job as a junior doctor.”

Newly crowned Miss England 2019

During the evening, Vanessa presented a cheque for £31,000 to Sunshine a North East charity that provides specialist equipment to disabled children. The money has been raised by the 50 contestants ‘Beauty With A Purpose’ charity projects.

Vanessa said: ”The competition was fantastic but what stood out for me was their passion and commitment for their ’Beauty With A Purpose’ projects.”

50 contestants from all over the country headed to Newcastle as the city hosted the Miss England finals for the first time in the competition's history.

Bhasha will now enjoy a year of appearances in her new role and will represent England along with 130 contestants from around the world at the three-week festival and 69th Miss World Final.

The highly-anticipated Miss World final show will be broadcast globally to over 150 countries, where global fans can watch reigning Miss World, Vanessa Ponce de León, pass the crown to the 69th Miss World.



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