Miss World Fiji advances to talent finals



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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Miss World Fiji, Nanise Rainima has advanced to the talent final of the 2017 Miss World pageant. Picture: SUPPLIED

Update: 2:57PM FIJI's representative to the 67th Miss World in Sanya, China has advanced to the finals of the talent category for the pageant.

Speaking from China, Miss World Fiji, Nanise Rainima said she felt really good after her performance and getting to know the final result of the semi-final round for the talent category.

"The talent second round was an amazing display of performance," Miss Rainima said.

"Different women with different talents and each one was captivating in their own way and I am blessed to be a part of that. I believe the song I sung and performed was more than that but a message to everyone that were present," she said.

Nanise as she is commonly known to by her family and friends played the piano and sang an original piece she wrote, which was dedicated to her late paternal grandmother and cancer survivor, Ema Ratadai Rainima who lived a cancer-free life before she passed away four years ago.

Meanwhile Miss World Fiji director, Andhy Blake said he was extremely proud of Nanise.

"She has put in the hard work and the results have shown. This has been a major highlight of my career with the Miss World brand," Mr Blake said.

After this grand achievement Nanise becomes the first Miss World Fiji candidate to the biggest platform of fashion and beauty to have secured a spot in the finals of a fast track competition at the world event.

The talent finale will be held next week.



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