Mony Helal Is the New Miss Egypt Representing at Miss World 2018 in China


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The 68th Miss World Pageant in China will be happening on December 8th and 2 days ago Egypt welcomed their new representative. Mony Helal was crowned Miss Egypt 2018.

“Being crowned as Miss Egypt 2018 and representing Egypt in Miss World is such a proud moment for me. I am so excited to take on such a big responsibility,” says Helal.

She is 26 and aims to change the stereotype of beauty pageant queens by bringing attention to the true meaning of beauty. She is an animal lover and humanitarian using her platform to raise awareness to charitable organizations like Misr Al-Kheir, Gannat Al-Kholoud and Baseera for the Visually Impaired. She is also supporting the first animal protection draft law in Egypt that will be soon discussed by the parliament.undefined
She is also a Microblading artist with over 6K Followers on her Microblading account. She offers free tattoos for Alopecia and Cancer victims and is always posts before and after pictures of the transformations Microblading does. We can't wait to see her among the 120 Miss World runners in Sanya Island this December.


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