Saipan and Northern Islands Municipal Council congratulates Miss Marianas Celine Cabrera


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29 Mar 2018 By Junhan B. Todiño Variety News Staff

THE Saipan and Northern Islands Municipal Council adopted a resolution congratulating Celine Concepcion Cabrera, 23, who was crowned the 2018 Miss Marianas last month. 

The resolution, which was introduced by council member Antonia Tudela, stated that the
Marianas pageant has fostered “a greater sense of awareness of current issues and ambassadorship among the young women of the islands.”Citing Cabrera’s dedication to be a role model to the young women of the islands, the council finds her life and person worthy of recognition, the resolution stated.Cabrera, a resident of Dandan, is the daughter of Norbert Cabrera and Alina Concepcion.

Tudela hopes that other young women of the CNMI will be inspired to follow in the example of grace and ambassadorship displayed by the reigning Miss Marianas.

The council’s other members are the chairman, Luis John Castro, and the vice chairman, Diego Kaipat.


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